Near the south coast at the south edge of Prasteio Audemou (Limassol district), at 360m a.s.l. overlooking Audemou bay. ‘Prastio Diachinussa’ is recorded in mid-16th century sources [Grivaud (1998) 237] and the toponym ‘Diachinisa’ is marked on 16th-century maps [Stylianou (1980) 125].
Description: Now much altered, originally it may have been a dome-hall structure with a semi-circular apse. The lower portions with the partly walled recesses (and slightly pointed arches) were incorporated into the present building [MKE 8, 350-51]. To the north there is attached a small square apseless funerary chapel containing arcosolia, covered by a dome on four large tangent conch-like squinches carried by four engaged piers in the middle of each wall; an irregular semi-circular squinch base is formed in each corner by a diagonally-set stone. Fragments of fresco decoration (a Virgin and Child) were reported in the past [MKE 12, 30; Gunnis (1936) 402].
Dating: An unverifiable dating in the 12th century has been suggested [MKE 8, 350-51].
Later additions / alterations: A domed south chapel was added in the later medieval period, the church was repaired in the 18th century, a room was added west of the north chapel, and in the 19th century (?) the superstructure was reconstructed.
Modern repairs: The earth that had accumulated behind the apses was removed and the masonry and the roof were repaired [ARDA 1977, 15].
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