The church is situated in a valley near the ancient / late antique coastal city of Curium [Papacostas (1995) Gazetteer 7], 1.5 mile (2 km) north of Curium stadium and 2 miles (3.5 km) northwest of Episkopi (Limassol district) on the east bank of a stream at 140m a.s.l.
Description: Of the small, now ruinous, barrel vaulted structure only the north wall stands among the debris, up to vault springing level. This wall is articulated with three blind round arches separated by responds carrying plain brackets for the transverse arches (ribs) of the vault, which were constructed of good ashlar. Traces of fresco decoration survive, with two standing female figures in the central blind arch.
Dating: A 10th / 11th century date or terminus ante quem is suggested by the style of the faint fresco decoration [MKE 8, 350].