Located near Limassol, north of the village of Polemidia (Limassol district) on the west bank of the Garyllis at 100m a.s.l. The Venetian community of Limassol and Saint Theodosius of Judea owned properties in the area by the late 12th century [Papacostas (1999a) 6.C.88].
Description: Initially perhaps a cruciform domed structure in irregular and poor limestone masonry, it now forms the west part of the present church. Only the core under the dome with semi-circular arches and the north cross arm survive relatively intact, the rest (the east wall, the apse and the remaining cross arms) having collapsed and having been replaced. The dome has a cavity in the centre with a Pantokrator fresco [MKE 2, 165-66].
Dating: A date before the late 12th century is suggested by the semi-circular arches and vaults, while the fresco decoration covering both the original and later parts provides a pre-14th century terminus ante quem.
Later additions / alterations: A cross-in-square domed structure with pointed arches and vaults and a horse-shoe apse was added to the east of the original cruciform church in the 14th century (?). The collapsed cross arms of the latter were replaced by straight walls [MKE 2, 165-66].
Modern repairs: The missing south compartments and cross arms of both adjacent domed structures were rebuilt in 1995/96 over the excavated wall foundations.
Early literature: Briefly mentioned in Gunnis (1936) 391-92.