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In the western foothills of the Troodos Mountains, at Choulou (Paphos district) on the east bank of the Ezousas, at 330m a.s.l. The village of Choulou is attested in late medieval sources [Dawkins (1932) 1.214; Mas Latrie (1879) 406, Mas Latrie (1852-61) 3.507: ‘Casal Cullu’?].

Description: The now ruinous single-aisled and probably vaulted structure with semi-circular apse was built in rubble masonry. The north and south walls were articulated by three round arches , the central arch being larger. There are traces of fresco decoration in the apse and the southeast arched recess. A (non-bonding) south chapel was added subsequently.

Dating: A likely mid-12th century date or at least terminus ante quem is suggested by the style of the fresco decoration and the architecture [MKE 6, 17].