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At the mouth of the Solea valley on the east bank of Klarios / Karyotes, in Hagios Georgios Soleas (Nicosia district) at 170m a.s.l., 3.5 miles (5.5 km) from the coast (Morphou bay). The settlement is attested in late medieval times [San Zorzi tu spuru / San Giorgio tou sporou (?): Mas Latrie (1886) 28 and 418; Casal San Zorzi: Mas Latrie (1852-61) 3.506].

Description: The irregular domed pier cross-in-square structure was built in rough ashlar with a rare three-sided main apse flanked by inscribed apses. The arches and vaults are semi-circular and the main apse wall is pierced by a twin window [MKE 4, 46].

Dating: The architecture, with its domed scheme and the use of round arches suggests a date in the 11th / first half of 12th century, although an early Lusignan date has also been proposed [Stylianou (1996) 1232].

Later additions / alterations: The west wall was replaced by two piers when a later extension was built in the early 20th century (?). Large windows were opened in the façades and the apse window was also altered [Gunnis (1936) 211; ARDA 1972, 11].

Modern repairs: The plaster was removed from the façades, the masonry was repaired, and the twin apse window was restored [ARDA 1971, 11, 1973, 14].

Early literature: Jeffery speaks of a ‘modern rustic chapel’ at Hagios Georgios [Jeffery (1918) 292].

Views: ARDA 1972, figs. 12-13 [before and after the repairs].