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In the Akamas peninsula, 1.2 miles (2 km) west of the ‘Baths of Aphrodite’ (Paphos district), on the north bank of a stream and next to a spring, at 250m a.s.l. The monastic site was surveyed in the early 1980s and identified as an agricultural installation [Wallace (1984) 345-46], although its monastic function was suggested in the 19th century and confirmed by a more recent partial excavation.

Description: The now ruinous small single-aisled vaulted structure with semi-circular apse was built mostly in rubble masonry. Its walls are now reduced to the lower courses, except from the north wall with two low arched recesses containing faint traces of fresco decoration, that survive up to what was perhaps the level of the springing of the vault. The door jambs and the engaged piers marking the recesses (and presumbly carrying rib arches) are built of good ashlar that may date to the original phase.

Dating: The architecture suggests a middle Byzantine date.

Modern repairs: The site was cleared and partially excavated in the late 1980s, revealing buildings in rubble surrounding the chapel [ARDA 1988, 27, 1989, 31].

Early literature: The ruins were identified as monastic and apparently were better preserved than today, when described by Hogarth in 1888 who also mentions traces of frescoes [Hogarth (1889) 15-16]. Peristianes speaks of a two-story tower, also with frescoes, clearly distinct from the chapel [Peristianes (1910) 426].

Plan / section: Wallace (1984) 346 [inaccurate sketch plan of the compound, before the partial excavation, showing only part of the chapel’s surviving north wall].